PKU model theory seminar (archive)

The PKU model theory seminar is usually online. Now on Thursdays.

Upcoming Talks:

Thursday, April 3rd, 2025

Speaker: Sam Braunfeld (Charles University) (online)

Title: Limits of sequences of finite structures in monadically stable theories

Abstract: In search of a notion of graph limit for sequences of sparse graphs, Nešetřil and Ossona de Mendez introduced first-order convergence for sequences of finite structures (requiring that for every formula, the probability that it is satisfied by a tuple chosen uniformly at random converges) and corresponding analytic limit objects called modeling limits. A modeling limit is a Borel structure, i.e. its domain is a standard Borel space and every parameter-definable relation is Borel, equipped with a probability measure assigning the appropriate limiting value to definable relations (or rather, a sequence of measures for increasing powers of the structure). We show that a modeling limit can be constructed for any convergent sequence of finite structures from a monadically stable class. Behind this is a theorem about realizing measures from sufficiently saturated models of a monadically stable theory in Borel models. Joint work with Jarik Nešetřil and Patrice Ossona de Mendez.

Thursday, April 10th, 2025

Speaker: Forte Shinko (University of California, Berkeley) (online)

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Thursday, April 17th, 2025

Speaker: Leo Jimenez (The University of Ohio State) (online)

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Thursday, April 24th, 2025

Speaker: Adele Padgett (University of Vienna) (online)

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Thursday, May 1st, 2025

No talk in observance of International Workers' Day

Thursday, May 8th, 2025

Speaker: Nikolay Bazhenov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics) (hybrid)

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Thursday, May 15th, 2025

Speaker: TBA

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Thursday, May 22nd, 2025

Speaker: Ivan Tomašić (Queen Mary University of London) (BICMR colloquium)

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Thursday, May 29th, 2025

Speaker: Artem Chernikov (University of Maryland) (online)

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Thursday, June 5th, 2025

Speaker: Mariana Vicaria (University of Münster) (online)

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Old Talks:

Thursday, March 27th, 2025

Speaker: Jan Dobrowolski (Xiamen University Malaysia) (hybrid)

Title: Some model theory of fields with commuting operators

Abstract: After a brief introduction, I will present some details of the proof of the result we have obtained with O. Leon Sanchez, which says that if D is a local algebra, then the theory of fields with D-operators satisfying a general compatibility condition is always companionable in characteristic zero, and is companionable in positive characteristic if the maximal ideal of D coincides with the kernel of the Frobenius homomorphism on D. Examples falling into this framework include the theory of fields with commuting D-operators, the theory of fields with Lie-commuting derivations, the theory of fields with iterative Hasse-Schmidt derivations, and, more generally, the theory of fields with finite group scheme actions.

Thursday, March 20th, 2025

Speaker: Wentao Yang (Inner Mongolia University) (hybrid)

Title: Topics on abstract elementary classes

Abstract: Abstract elementary classes (AECs) were introduced by Shelah as an axiomatized framework of non-elementary classes including models of infinitary logics. After introducing the basic notions we highlight the distinctions between AECs and elementary classes and test questions that motivate the development of the field. Time permitting I will present some recent work. This talk does not require any prior experience with AECs.

Thursday, March 6th, 2025

Speaker: Junguk Lee (Changwon National University) (online)

Title: Amalgamation of algebraically closed fields with a multiplicative circular order

Abstract: It is well-known that an algebraically closed field can not be an ordered field. But it can be equipped with a multiplicative circular order. For example, we can define a multiplicative circular order on an algebraic closure of a finite prime field using an injective multiplicative character. C. M. Tran initiated study of algebraically closed fields with a multiplicative circular order. Especially. he characterized the theory of such fields, denoted by ACFO, and ACFO is decidable. In this talk, we will show that algebraically closed fields with multiplicative circular orders satisfy the amalgamation property, which does not hold for ordered fields.

Thursday, February 27th, 2025

Speaker: Aris Papadopoulos (University of Maryland) (online)

Title: Zarankiewicz’s Problem and Model Theory

Abstract: A shower thought that anyone interested in graph theory must have had at some point in their lives is the following: `How “sparse" must a given graph be, if I know that it has no “dense” subgraphs?’. This curiosity definitely crossed the mind of Polish mathematician K. Zarankiewicz, who asked a version of this question formally in 1951. In the years that followed, many central figures in the development of extremal combinatorics contemplated this problem, giving various kinds of answers. Some of these will be surveyed in the first part of my talk. So far so good, but this is a model theory seminar and the title does say the words “Model Theory"… In the second part of my talk, I will discuss how the celebrated Szemerédi-Trotter theorem gave a starting point to the study of Zarankiewicz’s problem in “geometric” contexts, and how the language of model theory has been able to capture exactly what these contexts are. I will then ramble about improvements to the classical answers to Zarankiewicz’s problem, when we restrict our attention to semilinear/semibounded o-minimal structures, Presburger arithmetic, and various kinds of Hrushovski constructions. The new results that will appear in the talk were obtained jointly with Pantelis Eleftheriou

Thursday, February 20th, 2025

Speaker: Adrian Portillo Fernandez (IE University) (online)

Title: Maximal WAP and tame quotients of type spaces.

Abstract: This is joint work with Krzysztof Krupiński. We study maximal WAP and tame (in the sense of topological dynamics) quotients of $S_X(\C)$, where $\C$ is a sufficiently saturated (called monster) model of a complete theory $T$, $X$ is a $\emptyset$-type-definable set, and $S_X(\C)$ is the space of complete types over $\C$ concentrated on $X$. We introduce a natural condition (which we call compatibility) on closed, invariant equivalence relations $F$ on $S_X(\C)$ and $F'$ on $S_X(\C')$, guaranteeing that the Ellis groups of the quotient flows $(\aut(\C),S_X(\C)/F)$ and $(\aut(\C'),S_X(\C')/F)$ are isomorphic as long as $\C\prec \C'$ are $\aleph_0$-saturated and strongly $\aleph_0$-homogeneous. Using these results, we show that the Ellis (or ideal) groups of $( \aut(\C), S_X(\C)/F_{WAP} )$ and $( \aut(\C), S_X(\C)/F_{Tame})$ do not depend on the choice of the monster model $\C$, where $F_{WAP} and $F_{Tame} are the finest closed, $\aut(\C)$-invariant equivalence relations on $S_X(\C)$ such that the quotient flows are WAP and Tame, respectively.

Thursday, February 13th, 2025

Speaker: Pierre Touchard (TU Dresden) (online)

Title: On uniform definability of Henselian valuations in characteristic (0,0).

Abstract: In this talk, we will address a question of Krapp, Kuhlmann and Link: can we characterise the field k of characteristic 0, which has the following property: in all Henselian valued fields with residue k, the valuation ring is definable in the language of rings? Similarly, one can ask how to characterise the value group G which has the following property: in all Henselian valued fields of equicharacteristic 0 with value group G, the valuation ring is definable in the language of ring. We will see an answer for both questions, that we formulate as a (relatively simple) Ax-Kochen-Ershov principle for the definability of the valuation. This will lead us to interesting questions about ordered abelian groups and linear orders. This is a joint work with Blaise Boissonneau, Franziska Jahnke and Anna De Mase.

Thursday, January 2nd, 2025

Speaker: Jinhe (Vincent) Ye (University of Oxford) (Hybrid)

Title: Lang-Weil type estimates in finite difference fields

Abstract: A difference field is a field equipped with a distinguished automorphism and a difference variety is the natural analogue of an algebraic variety in this setting. Complex numbers with complex conjugation or finite fields with the Frobenius automorphism are natural examples of difference fields. For finite fields and varieties over them, the celebrated Lang-Weil estimate gives a universal estimate of number of rational points of varieties over finite fields in terms of several notions of the complexities of the given variety. In this talk, we will discuss an analogue to the Lang-Weil estimate for difference varieties in finite difference fields. The proof uses the model theory of pseudofinite difference fields and increasing valued difference fields. Particularly, some interesting interactions between the non-standard Frobenius and the non-archimedean topology occur. This is joint work with Martin Hils, Ehud Hrushovski and Tingxiang Zou.

Wednesday, December 18th, 2024

Speaker: Tomasz Rzepecki (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) (zoom)

Title: Inner ultrahomogeneous groups

Abstract: Abstract: We say that a group G is inner ultrahomogeneous (IUH) if every isomorphism between finitely generated subgroups of G is given by conjugation by an element of G. By classical group theory, it is relatively easy to show that every existentially closed group is IUH, and similarly for e.c. locally finite and e.c. torsion-free groups. In particular, every infinite group is contained in an IUH group of the same cardinality, and there are natural Fraisse classes of groups with IUH limits (finite groups, finitely presentable groups*, all groups in a given countable model of set theory). It turns out that the finite exponent IUH groups have exponent bounded by (2^100)! (although there are no examples of finite exponent IUH groups with more than 6 elements, so the true bound may be much lower). On the other hand, the infinite exponent groups all have very large abelian subgroups (they contain either all torsion or all torsion-free countable abelian groups), and are model-theoretically very wild (e.g. they are never aleph_0-saturated, have no q.e., they have TP2, IP_n for all n, the strict order property...), while simultaneously, they are often dynamically very tame. I will give an outline of these results, with some more precise statements and ideas of proofs. *I'm cheating a little bit here, since finitely presentable groups are not a hereditary class. The actual Fraisse class consists of all finitely generated groups in a given countable model of set theory.

Wednesday, December 11th, 2024

Speaker: Daniel Max Hoffmann (University of Warsaw) (zoom)

Title: Analogon of Newelski's semigroup theorem for Aut(M)-actions

Abstract: This is part of my project with Kyle Gannon and Krzysztof Krupiński. We define and study a new convolution of invariant Keisler measures. To define it, we establish an analogon of Newelski's semigroup theorem, so a homeomorphism between a certain Ellis semigroup and a space of Keisler measures. Our variant of Newelski's theorem is made for Ellis semigroups related to actions of Aut(M) instead of actions of a definable group. Then we push the semigroup operation from Ellis semigroup to define a new convolution for Keisler measures and study some of its properties.

Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

Speaker: James Hanson (Iowa State) (zoom)

Title: Special coheirs and model-theoretic trees

Abstract: We will discuss a characterization of first-order theories realizing a certain combinatorial tree configuration in terms of special coheirs.

Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

Speaker: Atticus Stonestrom (University of Notre Dame) (zoom)

Title: F-generic types in NIP groups

Abstract: In stable group theory, a key role is played by "generic" types. In the more general setting of definably amenable NIP groups, these no longer suffice, and the appropriate substitute is given by "f-generic" types. I will present a positive answer to a question of Chernikov and Simon, showing that, for an NIP group, definable amenability is equivalent to the existence of f-generic types. As a quick application, I will show any dp-minimal group is definably amenable.

Wednesday, November 6th, 2024

Speaker: Nigel Pynn-Coates (University of Vienna) (zoom)

Title: Tame pairs of transseries fields

Abstract: Transseries emerged in connection with Écalle’s work on Dulac’s problem and Dahn and Göring’s work on nonstandard models of real exponentiation, and some can be viewed as asymptotic expansions of solutions to differential equations. More recently, Aschenbrenner, Van den Dries, and Van der Hoeven completely axiomatized the elementary theory of the differential field of (logarithmic-exponential) transseries and showed that it is model complete. This talk concerns pairs of models of this theory such that one is a tame substructure of the other in a certain sense. I will describe the model theory of such transserial tame pairs, including a model completeness result for them, which can be viewed as a strengthening of the model completeness of large elementary extensions of the differential field of transseries, such as hyperseries, surreal numbers, or maximal Hardy fields.

Wednesday, October 30th, 2024

Speaker: Chuyin Jiang (UCLA) (zoom)

Title: Indiscernible Subsequence in NIP Theories

Abstract: Ramsey's theorem, which establishes the existence of monochromatic cliques in edge-colored complete graphs, forms the foundation of Ramsey theory, a field dedicated to uncovering patterns within seemingly disordered structures. As the scope of the problem expands to include multiple colorings, hypergraphs, and infinite sets, the existence of Ramsey cardinals cannot be established within ZFC. In this presentation, we reinterpret n-types as colorings of ordered sequences, where a "monochromatic clique" corresponds to an indiscernible subsequence. We will discuss the implications of this framework for the existence of Ramsey cardinals in NIP theories.

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

Speaker: Paolo Marimon (TU Wien) (zoom)

Title: When invariance implies exchangeability

Abstract: Joint work with Samuel Braunfeld and Colin Jahel. We study invariant random expansions of a structure $M$ by some hereditary class of structures. For example, we study $\mathrm{Aut}(M)$-invariant (regular) Borel probability measures on the space of graphs on the domain of $M$. We prove that for many homogeneous structures of arity $>2$, all invariant random expansions of $M$ by graphs are exchangeable, i. e. invariant under all permutations. The latter are well-understood due to the Aldous-Hoover theorem in probability. More generally, we define a measure of randomness of $M$, $k$-overlap closedness, which implies that invariant random expansions by hereditary classes of sufficiently slow growth rate, i.e. $O(e^{n^{k+\delta}})$ for all $\delta>0$, are exchangeable. Since invariant Keisler measures are a special case of invariant random expansions, our work allows us to describe the spaces of invariant Keisler measures of various homogeneous structures of arity $>2$. In particular, we show there are $2^{\aleph_0}$ supersimple homogeneous ternary structures for which there are non-forking formulas which are universally measure zero.

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

Speaker: Michal Szachniewicz (University of Oxford) (zoom)

Title: Foundations of globally valued fields.

Abstract: I will present results from a joint work with Itaï Ben Yaacov, Pablo Destic and Ehud Hrushovski, where we lay foundations of globally valued fields and relate them to Arakelov geometry and to Banach lattices. Globally valued fields (abbreviated GVF) are a class of fields with an extra structure, capturing some aspects of the geometry of global fields, based on the product formula. We give a representation theorem, saying that on a countable fields, every GVF structure comes from a proper adelic curve, as defined by Chen and Moriwaki. If time permits, I will talk about some applications from a joint work with Pablo Destic and Nuno Hultberg.

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Speaker: Nick Ramsey (University of Notre Dame) (zoom)

Title: Higher amalgamation in PAC fields

Abstract: Pseudo algebraically closed (PAC) fields, introduced by Ax in his characterization of pseudo-finite fields, are an important class of examples in both model theory and field arithmetic. A recurrent theme in the study of PAC fields is that their analysis often reduces to an analysis of the absolute Galois group. One of the most significant results along these lines is a theorem of Chatzidakis, which relates the independence theorem in a PAC field to the independence theorem in the inverse system of the absolute Galois group, viewed as a first-order structure. We explain how this connection can be generalized to relate independent n-amalgamation in a PAC field to independent n-amalgamation in the absolute Galois group. We will describe some corollaries for omega-free PAC fields and, more generally, for Frobenius fields.

Monday, May 27th, 2024

Speaker: Slavko Moconja (University of Belgrade) (Zoom)

Title: Weakly o-minimal types

Abstract: A complete type p(x) is weakly o-minimal (wom) if there exists a relatively definable linear order < on its locus p(C) such that every relatively definable subset of the locus is a union of finitely many <-convex parts. In the talk, I will discuss several problems concerning this notion. These include a description of all relatively definable linear orders on p(C), appropriate Monotonicity theorems for functions relatively definable on p(C), and properties of the forking-dependence relation. Joint work with Predrag Tanović.

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Speaker: Tingxiang Zou (University of Bonn) (Zoom)

Title: Non-expansion of polynomial actions

Abstract: Consider a finite set F of one-variable polynomials of bounded degree over the complex numbers. Let X be a finite subset of the complex numbers and F*X be the collection of f(x) for f in F and x in X. Suppose the sizes of F and X are comparable in the sense that |F| is bounded above and below by some fixed powers of |X|. We want to ask when it is possible that |F*X|<|X|^{1+e} for very small e>0? The goal of this talk is to answer this question by considering a generalization of the Elekes-Szabó's Theorem. This is joint work with Martin Bays.

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Speaker: Chieu-Mihn Tran (National University of Singapore)

Title: Growth in groups: direct and inverse problems

Abstract: This largely survey talk is a prequel to the talk “Measure doubling of small sets in SO(3,R)” (joint work with Jing Yifan and Zhang Ruixiang) given in Beijing Logic Meeting 2023. I will explain why the use of model theory is not accidental in such combinatorics flavored results and is to some degree the same reason we can show that large stable fields are separably closed (joint work with Will Johnson, Erik Walksberg, and Ye Jinhe). More mathematically, we consider a group G equipped with a notion of size (cardinality, Haar measure, etc), and let A be a subset of G. The following problems are of interest: (i) Find inequalities relating the size of the product set A^k ={a_1 a_k: a_1, a_2 \in A} and the size of A. (ii) Understand when the size of A^k is not too large compared to that of A. These are called the direct and inverse problems for growth in groups. I will explain how these problems arise independently in many areas including number theory, additive combinatorics, convex geometry, analysis, geometric group theory, and model theory. Beside the result about SO(3,R), I will also discuss some other recent progresses in addressing them including the solution of the Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa Conjecture for (F_2)^n by Gowers, Green, Manners, Tao and sharp stability results for Brunn—Minkowski theorem by Figalli, van Hintum, and Tiba.

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Speaker: David Meretzky (University of Notre Dame) (Zoom)

Title: Differential Field Arithmetic

Abstract: I will discuss some of my upcoming thesis work under the supervision of Anand Pillay. Some of this work is also joint with Omar León Sánchez. Motivated by existence questions in differential Galois theory, I will discuss our recent efforts to generalize a theorem of Serre from the algebraic to the differential algebraic setting. Serre's theorem states: A field F is bounded (has finitely many extensions of each finite degree) if and only if the first Galois cohomology set with coefficients in a linear algebraic group defined over F is trivial. This talk will emphasize our development of basic computational tools for definable Galois cohomology, a model theoretic generalization of (differential) algebraic Galois cohomology. All of the relevant notions will be introduced including some background on differential Galois theory.

Monday, April 29th, 2024

Speaker: Christian d'Elbée (University of Leeds) (Zoom)

Title: Existentially closed nilpotent Lie algebras

Abstract: I will present ongoing work joint with Müller, Ramsey and Siniora. A classical result of Macintyre and Saracino states that the theory of Lie algebras over a fixed field and of bounded nilpotency class does not admit a model-companion. We prove that by letting the field grow (i.e. with a separated sort for the field) the theory of Lie algebras of bounded nilpotency class admits a model-companion and that this theory relates asymptotically to the omega-categorical existentially closed c-nilpotent Lie algebra over a finite field F_p for c < p. We also prove that if the theory of the field is NSOP1 then the theory of the corresponding Lie algebra is NSOP4. We will explain how to get this result via a criterion for NSOP4 which does not use stationary independence relations.

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

Speaker: Aaron Anderson (UCLA) (zoom)

Title: Generically Stable Measures in Continuous Logic

Abstract: Continuous logic generalizes first-order logic to take real truth values, and Keisler measures similarly generalize types. We combine these two generalizations to study measures in continuous logic, focusing on generically stable measures, which are particularly well-behaved. In NIP theories, generically stable measures have several equivalent definitions. We translate these definitions to continuous logic, and show that they remain equivalent in this context. This requires developing real-valued versions of combinatorial theorems about classes of finite VC-dimension, and extrapolating definitions like smoothness and weak orthogonality of measures to continuous logic. We then use generically stable measures to derive regularity lemmas for NIP and distal metric structures.

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Speaker: Zhentao Zhang (Fudan University)

Title: Newelski's question on definably amenable groups over p-adics

Abstract: Let G be a definably amenable groups over the p-adics. We study the definable topological dynamics of (G,S_{G}(\mathbb{Q}_{p})) of G acting on its type space. We focus on the question of whether weakly generic types coincide with almost periodic types which was raised by Newelski and then restarted by Chernikov and Simon on NIP definably amenable groups. We show that the stationarity is a sufficient and necessary condition for the positive answer of the question. This is a joint work with Ningyuan Yao.

Monday, April 8th, 2024

Speaker: Patrick Lutz (UC Berkley) (Zoom)

Title: A theory which *really* doesn't have a computable model

Abstract: The completeness theorem guarantees that any consistent theory has a model, but it is not hard to show that a computable version of this statement does not hold: there is a computable, consistent theory with no computable model. For example, a slight modification of the proof of Tennenbaum's Theorem implies that the theory ZF has no computable model. Recently, however, Pakhomov discovered an interesting limitation of this example: there is a theory which is definitionally equivalent to ZF and has a computable model ("definitional equivalence" is a strong form of bi-interpretability). One can interpret this result as saying that if we just formulate ZF in a different (but equivalent) language, then it does have a computable model. In light of this, Pakhomov raised the question of whether every computable consistent theory is definitionally equivalent to a theory with a computable model. James Walsh and I have constructed a counterexample to Pakhomov's question---a computable, consistent theory for which no definitionally equivalent theory can have a computable model. The proof uses a mix of computability theory and tame model theory, in the guise of Laskowski's theory of mutual algebraicity. I will discuss the background of our result and some of the ingredients of the proof, focusing on the role played by model theory.

Monday, April 1st, 2024

Speaker: Hu Yuqi (Tsinghua University)

Title: Model theoretic version of Szemerédi's regularity lemma

Abstract: Szemerédi's regularity lemma is a fundamental result in graph combinatorics. But the bound can be unavoidably large for general (hyper)graphs. On the other hand, the result can be viewed as results about hypergraphs with the edge relation definable. When its first-order theory satisfies some tameness condition in model theory, we can get better bound for the result. This is an expository talk on the paper `the definable regularity lemmas for NIP hypergraphs' by Artem Chernikov and Sergei Starchenko.

Monday, March 25th, 2024

Speaker: Shichang Song (Beijing Jiaotong University)

Title: Model theory of random variables

Abstract: The class of [0,1]-valued random variables on atomless probability spaces is an elementary class in continuous logic. The theory of this class is denoted by ARV. ARV is complete, separably categorical, omega-stable, and admits quantifier elimination. During this talk, we will characterize saturated models of ARV, and give explicit formulas between types. Finally, we will discuss type spaces of ARV and Wasserstein spaces.

Monday, March 18th, 2024

Speaker: Rizos Sklinos (AMSS, CAS)

Title: First-order sentences in random groups

Abstract: Gromov in his seminal paper introducing hyperbolic groups claimed that a “typical” finitely presented group is hyperbolic. His statement can be made rigorous in various natural ways. The model of randomness that is preferentially focused on is Gromov's density model, as it allows a fair amount of flexibility. In this model a random group is hyperbolic with overwhelming probability. In a different line of thought, Tarski asked whether all non abelian free groups share the same first-order theory (in the language of groups). This question proved very hard to tackle and only after more than 50 years Sela and Kharlampovich-Myasnikov answered the question positively. Combining the two, J. Knight conjectured that a first-order sentence holds with overwhelming probability in a random group if and only if it is true in a no abelian free group. In joint work with O. Kharlampovich we answer the question positively for universal-existential sentences.

Monday, March 11th, 2024

Speaker: Wei Li (AMSS, CAS)

Title: Effective Definability of Kolchin Polynomials

Abstract: While the natural model-theoretic ranks available in differentially closed fields of characteristic zero, namely Lascar and Morley rank, are known not to be definable in families of differential varieties; in this talk we show that the differential-algebraic rank given by the Kolchin polynomial is in fact definable. This result relies on a uniform bound on the Hilbert-Kolchin index. As a byproduct, we show that the property of being weakly irreducible for a differential variety is also definable in families. The question of full irreducibility remains open; it is known to be equivalent to the generalized Ritt problem.

Monday, March 4th, 2024

Speaker: Kyle Gannon (BICMR)

Title: Model theoretic events

Abstract: This talk is motivated by the following two soft questions: How do we sample an infinite sequence from a first order structure? What model theoretic properties might hold on almost all sampled sequences? We advance a plausible framework in an attempt to answer these kinds of questions. The central object of this talk is a proability space. The underlying set of our space is a standard model theoretic object, namely the space of types in countably many variables over a monster model. Our probability measure is an iterated Morley product of a fixed Borel-definable Keisler measure. Choosing a point randomly in this space with respect to our distribution yields a random generic type in infinitely many variables. We are interested in which model theoretic events hold for almost all random generic types. Two different kinds of events will be discussed: (1) The event that the induced structure on a random generic type is isomorphic to a fixed structure; (2) the event that a random generic type witnesses a dividing line.