Shiwu Yang
Associate Professor
International Center for Mathematical Research
Peking University
5 Yiheyuan Road, Jingchunyuan Courtyard
Office: 77105

Curriculum Vitae pdf
Research Interests Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, General Relativity.
Publications and Preprint
- (with W. Dai), Characteristic
initial value problem for nonlinear wave equation with singular
initial data, arXiv:2401.17662
- (with D. Wei), Asymptotic
decay for the Chern-Simons-Higgs equations, arXiv:2401.13949
- (with W. Dai and H. Mei and D. Wei), Asymptotic decay for defocusing
semilinear wave equations on Schwarzschild spacetimes,
- (with W. Dai and H. Mei and D. Wei), The Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equation
with scattering data. arXiv:2302.08732.
- (with D. Wei and P.
Yu), On the global dynamics of Yang-Mills-Higgs
equations, Comm. Math.
Phys. 405(2024), no.1.
- (with D. Wei) On the defocusing
semilinear wave equations in three space dimension with small power, IMRN, 2022, no.24.
- Pointwise decay for
semilinear wave equations in 3D, J.
Funct. Anal.,283(2022), no. 2.
- (with D. Wei) On the
global behaviors for defocusing semilinear wave equations in 2D, Anal.
PDE, 15(2022), no. 1.
- Global behaviors of
defocusing semilinear wave equations, Ann.
Sci.Éc. Norm. Supér. (4) 55(2022), no.1.
- (with D. Wei) On the
3D Relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell System with large Maxwell field , Comm. Math. Phys. 383 (2021), no. 3,
- (with D. Wei) Asymptotic
decay for defocusing semilinear wave equations in 1D, Ann.
PDE. 7(2021), no. 1, 9.
- (with A. Fang and Q. Wang) Global solution for Massive
Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equations with large Maxwell field , Ann.
PDE. 7 (2021), no. 1, 3.
- (with S.
Klainerman and Q. Wang) Global solution for massive
Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equations , Comm.Pure
Appl.Math. 73(2020), no.1, 63-109.
- (with P.
Yu) On global dynamics of the
Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equations , Camb. J. Math. 7(2019),
no.4, 365-467.
- (with J. Luk
and S. Oh) Dynamical black holes with
prescribed masses in spherical symmetry ,
Adv. Lect.Math.
44(2019), Vol. II, 367-387.
- (with G.
Luli and P.
Yu) On one-dimension semi-linear
wave equations with null conditions , Adv. Math.,
329(2018), 174-188.
- (with J. Luk
and S. Oh) Solutions to the
Einstein-scalar-field system in spherical symmetry with large
bounded variation norms, Ann. PDE 4
(2018), no. 1.
- On global behavior of
solutions of the Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equations, Adv. Math.,
326(2018), 495-520
- Decay of solutions of
Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equations with large Maxwell field, Anal. PDE, 9
(2016), no.8, 1829-1902
- On the quasilinear wave
equations in time dependent inhomogeneous media, J. Hyperbolic
Differ. Equ., 13 (2016), no. 2, 273-330.
- Global solutions of nonlinear
wave equations with large data , Selecta Math. (N.S.) 21 (2015), no. 4, 1405-1427.
- Global stability of solutions
to nonlinear wave equations , Selecta Math. (N.S.) 21 (2015), no. 3, 833-881.
- On the geodesic hypothesis in
general relativity , Comm.
Math. Phys. 325 (2014), no. 3, 997-1062.
- Global solutions of nonlinear
wave equations in time dependent inhomogeneous media , Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.209
(2013), no. 2, 683-728.
- Spring 2023, Calculus II, Peking University.
- Fall 2022, Calculus I, Peking University.
- Spring 2022, Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations, Peking
- Fall
2021, Functions of Real Variables, Peking University.
- Spring 2021, Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations, Peking
- Fall 2020,
Functions of Real Variables, Peking University.
- Spring 2020, Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations, Peking
- Fall
2019, Functions of Real Variables, Peking University.
- Spring
2019, Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations, Peking University.
- Fall
2018, Calculus C, Peking University.
- Spring
2018, Partial Differential Equations, Lecturer, Peking University.
- Fall
2017, Calculus III, Lecturer, Peking University.
- Spring
2017, Advanced Mathematics B, Lecturer, Peking University.
- Michaelmas
2015, Linear Analysis II, Supervisor, University of Cambridge.
- Lent
2015, Dispersive PDEs, University of Cambridge.
- Michaelmas
2014, Topics in Analysis, Supervisor, University of Cambridge.
- Summer
2012, Study Analysis and Geometry, Nonlinear Evolution Equations,
Lecturer for the problem section, Princeton University.
- Fall
2011, Math104,
Calculus II (one variable), Princeton University.