Xinyi Li 李欣意

Assistant Professor at Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking University.

My main research interests are probability theory and statistical physics.

I was an L. E. Dickson instructor at the University of Chicago from 2016 to 2019. I received my Ph.D. from ETH Zurich. My advisor was Professor Alain-Sol Sznitman.

Contact Information

Address: Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research
Peking University
5 Yiheyuan Rd., Beijing 100871
地址: 100871北京市颐和园路5号北京大学北京国际数学研究中心
Office: 镜春园78号院(怀新园)75101-2
Coordinates: 39°59'47.4"N 116°18'36.0"E
E-mail: firstnamelastname at bicmr dot pku dot edu dot cn

A (not always up-to-date) version of my CV can be found here.

Click here for the the homepage of the symposium "Critical Exponents, Scaling limits and Universality: Challenges from Statistical Physics", April 13, 2025.
Click here for the the homepage of the conference "Random Explorations", July 6--10, 2026.


Students and Student Collaborators

PhD students (year of (expected) defence in bracket):
Undergraduate student collaborators (year of graduation in bracket):



I organize or co-organize the following seminars: Some ecordings of THU-PKU-BNU Joint Probability Webinar and probability events at BICMR are available at BICMR_proba@bilibili.

Student Seminars

I also organize or co-organize student seminars on various topics in current probability research. The theme varies every semester. Please contact me directly if you are interested.
