2022年春loop soup讨论班
2.25 简介
Lawler: Topics in loop measures and the loop-erased walk 讲义报告:
3.4 范哲睿 郭维豪 Lawler: Chordal exponents
3.11 郭维豪 2D LERW, one-point function, I 刘昱 Loop soup and GFF
3.18 范哲睿+郭维豪 2D LERW, one-point function II
离散loop soup相关论文报告:
3.25 蔡振豪 Kozma: Scaling limit of loop erased random walk-a naive approach
4.1 刘泽霖 Chang-Sapozhnikov: Phase transition in loop percolation
4.8 杜航 Isomorphism theorems
4.15 刘浩宇 Lupu: From loop clusters and random interlacements to the free field
连续loop soup、CLE相关论文报告:
4.22 巩舒阳 Sznitman: On scaling limits and Brownian interlacements
4.29 蔡格非 5.6 冯煜阳:Sheffield-Werner: Conformal loop ensembles: the Markovian characterization and the loop-soup construction:
5.13 梁渝涛:Aidekon-Hu-Shi: Path decompositions of perturbed reflecting Brownian motions
5.20 刘润声:Nacu-Werner: Random soups, carpets and fractal dimensions
Loop soup的尺度极限相关论文报告:
5.27 杨鹏: Brug-Camia-Lis: Random walk loop soups and conformal loop ensembles
6.3 李章颂:Brug-Camia-Lis: Spin systems from loop soups
6.10 夏傲腾: Lupu: Convergence of the two-dimensional random walk loop-soup clusters to CLE