Stable Derivative Free Gaussian Mixture Variational Inference for Bayesian Inverse Problems
Online Learning of Eddy-Viscosity and Backscattering Closures for Geophysical Turbulence Using Ensemble Kalman Inversion
Fisher-Rao Gradient Flow: Geodesic Convexity and Functional Inequalities
Convergence Analysis of Probability Flow ODE for Score-based Generative Models
SPFNO: Spectral Operator Learning for PDEs With Dirichlet and Neumann Boundary Conditions
Sampling via Gradient Flows in the Space of Probability Measures
Efficient, Multimodal, and Derivative-Free Bayesian Inference With Fisher-Rao Gradient Flows
Joint Inversion of Receiver Function and Surface Wave Dispersion Based on the Unscented Kalman Inversion
An Operator Learning Perspective on Parameter-To-Observable Maps
AI-aided Geometric Design of Anti-infection Catheters
Fourier Neural Operator with Learned Deformations for PDEs on General Geometries
Zongyi Li, Daniel Zhengyu Huang, Burigede Liu, Anima Anandkumar Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2023 [arXiv] [DOI] [code] |
Long Random Matrices and Tensor Unfolding
The Cost-Accuracy Trade-Off In Operator Learning With Neural Networks
EnsembleKalmanProcesses. jl: Derivative-free ensemble-based model calibration
Efficient Derivative-Free Bayesian Inference for Large-Scale Inverse Problems
Bayesian Calibration for LargeScale Fluid Structure Interaction Problems
Under Embedded/Immersed Boundary Framework
Iterated Kalman Methodology for Inverse Problems
Power Iteration for Tensor PCA
Learning Constitutive Relations Using Symmetric Positive Definite Neural Networks
A Homogenized Flux-Body Force Approach for Modeling Porous
Wall Boundary Conditions in Compressible Viscous Flows
A Computationally Tractable Framework for
Nonlinear Dynamic Multiscale Modeling of Membrane Fabric
Learning Constitutive Relations from Indirect Observations
Using Deep Neural Networks
High-Order Partitioned Spectral Deferred Correction Solvers
for Multiphysics Problems
An Embedded Boundary Approach for Resolving the Contribution
of Cable Subsystems to Fully Coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction
Mesh Adaptation Framework for Embedded Boundary Methods for CFD and
Fluid-Structure Interaction
High-Order, Linearly Stable, Partitioned Solvers
for General Multiphysics Problems Based on Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta Schemes
A Family of Position- and Orientation-Independent
Embedded Boundary Methods for Viscous Flow and Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
Bayesian Spline Learning for Equation Discovery of Nonlinear Dynamics with Quantified Uncertainty
Modeling, Simulation and Validation of Supersonic Parachute Inflation Dynamics During Mars Landing
Effects of Structural Parameters on the FSI Simulation of Supersonic Parachute Deployments
Towards a Validated FSI Computational Framework for Supersonic Parachute Deployments
A High-Order Partitioned Solver for General Multiphysics Problems and Its Applications in Optimization
Preliminary Verification and Validation Test Suite for the CFD Component of Supersonic Parachute
Deployment FSI Simulations
Simulation of Parachute Inflation Dynamics Using an Eulerian Computational Framework for Evolving
Fluid-Structure Interfaces in High Speed Turbulent Flows