2018 Workshop On New Computing-Driven Opportunities for Optimization


This workshop focuses on new computing-driven opportunities, including those from big/complex/smart data, which yield a huge number challenges to optimization. They are intrinsically and extensively linked through various models, theories, algorithms, and applications. We are running out of applicable theories on the theoretical side and are stuck in a deep local optimum on the computational side, which prevent us from trying new ideas. Techniques such as stochastic and robust methods, as well as their hybridization with traditional methods, are relevant. Making the best use of vastly parallel computation to transform optimization qualitatively is promising. This workshop aims at promoting the developments of optimization, bringing together leading researchers in the community and fostering collaborations.

Important Dates:

  • May 31: assignments of discussion leads

  • August 1: click this link
    i) For overview and one-hour discussion sessions: submissions of a brief abstract, a list of co-authors and references if available
    ii) For all interested participants: submissions of posters and their abstracts
    iii) Trip information

  • August 12: Arrival

  • August 13-17: Workshop

  • August 18: Departure

  • August 25: For each session: submission of an abstract which briefly summarizes the main points raised in the discussion


Youchen Hotel, Wuyishan, Fujian Province, China
Address: BaiHua Read, Wuyishan City (武夷山市百花路)


  • Thorsten Koch (Zuse Institute Berlin, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany)

  • Zaiwen Wen (Peking University, China)

  • Wotao Yin (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)

  • Ya-xiang Yuan (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

Local Organizers:

  • An Chang, Fuzhou University

  • Genghua Fan, Fuzhou University

  • Yonglin Liu, Wuyi University

  • Zheng Peng, Fuzhou University

  • Wenxing Zhu, Fuzhou University


  • National Natural Science Foundation of China

  • Tianyuan Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China

  • The Mathematical Society of China

  • Fuzhou University

  • Wuyi University

Tentative Organization

  • workshop program

  • Our expectation is that all participants can attend the workshop during the whole week.

  • This workshop does not organize talks in the traditional fashion.

  • To sparkle new directions and collaborations, there will be

    • 8 overview sessions (each has a 30-minute presentation and a 15-minute discussion by one speaker)

    • 10-12 one-hour topics sessions (each has a 30-minute presentation and a 30-minute discussion by one to three discussion leads)

    • free discussion sessions (each has 30 minutes by one to three leads)

  • An open poster session. Any poster file sent to us by August 1 will be printed at Wuyishan for the authors, free of charge.

  • Arrangement for all participants:

    • Participants can submit a few slides to the sessions (even if they are not designated as speakers or discussion leads. Coordination information will be sent around May 15).

    • The participants are supposed to join all sessions that they possibly can contribute to. They are expected to take part in the discussion actively. We should stress that the discussion is interactive and the success depends a lot on the participation of all participants.

    • For each session, a participant will be asked to take notes during the discussion. She/he will also work with the discussion leads on a summary of the main points raised in the discussion.

  • For discussion efficency, we ask the lead(s) of each one-hour discussion to:

    • prepare (or organize a team to prepare) a few slides to introduce the topic, the background and state of the art for those not working in the topic field;

    • prepare (or organize a team to prepare) a slide with a few topics and a few questions;

    • give a presentation in 15-30 minutes (with slides and a speech) and leave time for discussions;

    • moderating the discussion and get the audience to participate in the discussion.

  • A report will be released after the workshop. For the talk in each session, we will ask a brief abstract, a list of co-authors and references if available. For the discussion in each session, we will ask an abstract which briefly summarizes the main points raised in the discussion.

Confirmed Participants

  • Wei Bian, Harbin Institute of Technology

  • Xiaojun Chen, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • Caihua Chen, Nanjing University

  • Yuhong Dai, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Chao Ding, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Bin Dong, Peking University

  • Jinyan Fan, Shanghai Jiaotong University

  • Serge Gratton, CERFACS

  • Deren Han, Beihang University/Nanjing Normal University

  • Xin Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Yafeng Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Mingyi Hong, University of Minnesota

  • Bo Jiang, Nanjing Normal University

  • Bo Jiang, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

  • Thorsten Koch, Zuse Institute Berlin, Technische Universitaet Berlin

  • Jon Lee, University of Michigan

  • Zhouchen Lin, Peking University

  • Cheng Lu, North China Electric Power University

  • Zhaosong Lu, Simon Fraser University

  • Zhiquan Luo, University of Minnesota/The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shenzhen

  • Andre Milzarek, Peking University

  • Shiqian Ma, UC Davis

  • Lingfeng Niu, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Jongshi Pang, University of Southern California

  • Zheng Peng, Fuzhou University

  • Ted Ralphs, Lehigh university

  • Cong Sun, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

  • Jie Sun, Curtin University/National University of Singapore

  • Defeng Sun, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • Hailin Sun, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

  • Anthony So, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Kim Chuan Toh, National University of Singapore

  • Ke Wei, Fudan University

  • Yong Xia, Beihang University

  • Shuhuang Xiang, Central South University

  • Zi Xu, Shanghai University

  • Ming Yan, Michigan State University

  • Junfeng Yang, Nanjing University

  • Xinming Yang, Chongqing Normal University

  • Yinyu Ye, Stanford University

  • Wotao Yin, University of California, Los Angeles

  • Yaxiang Yuan, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Xiaomin Yuan, Hong Kong University

  • Zaikun Zhang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • Zhihua Zhang, Peking University

  • Hui Zhang, National University of Defense Technology

  • Hongchao Zhang, Louisiana State University

  • Yin Zhang, Rice University

  • Zhenyue Zhang, Zhejiang University

  • Shuzhong Zhang, University of Minnesota


  • The workshop will book rooms for all participants. We assume that you will arrive on August 12 (check in) and depart on Augest 18 (check out), unless you inform Zheng Peng (pzheng@fzu.edu.cn) a different travel plan.

Travel Information at major cities in China

  • The following information is checked on April 9. Please confirm the official websites of flight companies and high speed train when you are going to book tickets

  • Beijing: There is an early morning (6:30AM) direct flight from Beijing to Wuyishan. There is no direct flight from Wuyishan to Beijing. The transfer time is quite long. Hence, we would suggest to take the high speed train if you plan to stop at Beijing. It takes around 7-8 hours.

  • Shanghai: There is a direct flight between Shanghai and Wuyishan. The departure time is good in both direction. The high speed train is around 3-4 hours.

  • Guangzhou: There is a direct flight between Guangzhou and Wuyishan. The departure time is good in both direction. There is no direct high speed train at Guangzhou to Wuyishan.

  • Shenzhen: There is no direct flight between Shenzhen and Wuyishan. There are direct high speed trains at Shenzhen to Wuyishan. It takes around 6-7 hours.