Kyle Gannon

Assistant Professor
Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research (BICMR), Peking University.
No. 5 Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.
E-mail: kgannon [at] bicmr [dot] pku [dot] edu [dot] cn

Hello! 你好! Здраво!

My name is Kyle Gannon. I am a model theorist at the Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research (BICMR) at Peking University. I received my PhD under Sergei Starchenko at the University of Notre Dame in 2020. I was a Hedrick Assistant Adjunct Professor (a fancy term for a post-doc) under the direction of Artem Chernikov at UCLA from 2020-2023. I am now an assistant professor at BICMR.

This is a photo of me. Here are some links:

PKU model theory seminar; 2-3 Mondays, Room 09 at Quan Zhai, BICMR (全斋9号教室)

Beijing Model Theory Conference July 8th - 12th, 2024.

Model theory meetings (MODNET).

Model theorists in China:

Beijing: Li Wei (AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Rizos Slinkos (AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Song Schichang (Beijing Jaotong University).

Shanghai: Will Johnson (Fudan University), Yao Ningyuan (Fudan University).

Reci mi ako znaš ljudi koji zive u Pekingu i govore srpski/hrvatski jezik! Ova slika je iz Kosmaja, blizu Beograda (možda u Beogradu?)

PKU model theory notes

Lecture 1 - Intro. to propositional logic

Lecture 2 - Completeness and compactness of propositional logic

Lecture 3 - Intro. to first-order logic

Lecture 4 - Definability and first look at compactness

Lecture 5 - Proof of compactness via Henkin construction

Lecture 6 - Basic set theory and counting models

Lecture 7 - Lowenheim-Skolem Theorems

Lecture 8 - Ultrafilters and ultraproducts

Lecture 9 - Quantifier Elimination

Lecture 10 - Ax-Grothendieck

Lecture 11 - Isolated types, prime, atomic and homogeneous models

Lecture 12 - Isolated types, prime, atomic and homogeneous models continued

Lecture 13 - Configurations of definable sets; Morley rank

Lecture 14 - Intro. to stability

Lecture 15 - Basic infinite combinatorics

Lecture 16 - Indiscernibles in stable theories

Lecture 17 - Beginning omega-stable groups

Lecture 18 - Omega-stable groups cont.

PKU model theory homework

Homework 1

Homework 2

Homework 3

Homework 4

Homework 5

Homework 6

Homework 7

Homework 8

Homework 9


13. Definable convolution and idempotent Keisler measures III. Generic stability, generic trnsitivity, and revised Newelski's conjecture, (with Artem Chernikov and Krzysztof Krupiński)

submitted, [arxiv].

12. Model theoretic events, (with James Hanson)

submitted, [arxiv].

11. Transfer maps and the Morley product in NIP theories

preprint, [arxiv].

10. Generic stability, randomizations, and NIP formulas, (with Gabriel Conant and James Hanson)

submitted, [arxiv].

9. Concerning Keisler Measures over ultraproducts,

Accepted to Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, [arxiv].

8. An invitation to extension domination, (with Jinhe Ye)

Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, [arxiv, doi].

7. Definable convolution and idempotent Keisler measures II, (with Artem Chernikov)

Model Theory (journal) (Celebratory issue on the occasion of Ehud Hrushovski's Sixtieth Birthday), [arxiv, doi].

6. Keisler measures in the wild, (with Gabriel Conant and James Hanson)

Model Theory (journal), [arxiv, doi].

5. Sequential approximations of types and measures

Fundamenta Mathematicae, [arxiv, doi].

4. Associativity of the Morley product of invariant measures in NIP theories, (with Gabriel Conant)

Journal of Symbolic Logic, [arxiv, doi].

3. Definable convolution and idempotent Keisler measures, (with Artem Chernikov)

Israel Journal of Mathematics, [arxiv, doi].

2. Remarks on generic stability in independent theories, (with Gabriel Conant)

Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, [arxiv, doi].

1. Local Keisler measures and NIP formulas

Journal of Symbolic Logic, [arxiv, doi].


Approximation theorems for Keisler measures

University of Notre Dame, 2020, [pdf]

Research Notes & Exposition

2. Measures and stability in a model, [pdf]

1. Introduction to the Keisler order, [pdf]